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My anabolic story with pyramid labs

Hey guys I’m 23 and I’ve been training for 5 years, 2-3 years ago I went to a shop near a mall and this dude sold me this brand telling me it was gonna make me massive blah blah, hence my steroid use over my 3 year on-off cycles. the fact that I’ve seen this website makes me feel like I’ve been absoloutely fucking robbed, I used to buy 1x test-e 250 and 1x boldonon 250 for $650 (au) fucking dollars! Every month for the past 2-2 1/2 years. I’ve never ordered off this site and I hope pyramid lab sees this. For my future endeavours I would love to make an order.

The stuff is just incredible, I always wanted this particular brand because i did try 4 other brands and this one made me feel unstoppable. I have no clue what you guys have whipped up on your boldonon but it’s fucking nuts, the power delivery, always constantly in gorilla mode is insane just off 2m a week (boldonon 250).I’ve honestly been blasting this stuff with no major side effects other than bad acne if you smoke weed like myself but other than the blood checks, “nothing” bad has happened.

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